Spartan Phalanx

Spartan Phalanx
Spartan Phalanx

Useful Links

Below are some web links which may be useful in studies.

Web Address
Information available

Cal Poly Pomona, part of The California State University
The legacy of Ancient Greece
The British Museum
Ancient Greece
The Open University
Ancient Olympics: Glossary
Youtube(Open University Channel)
Myth in the Greek and Roman Worlds
The Theoi Project
Greek mythology
Awesome Stories
Mount Taygetus & Tales of Sparta
In Search of the Greeks
Resources for the current book we are studying.
Useful information on the Spartan Education system

General Links:

1.) In Search of the Greeks

Greek Religion:


1.) Useful information on Sparta

Ancient Olympic Games:

1.) : Information on the Ancient Olympic Games for the official website of the Olympic Movement.
2.) :The true story of the Ancient Olympic Games

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