Spartan Phalanx

Spartan Phalanx
Spartan Phalanx

Hellenistic Timeline

Timeline of Greek history 800BC-400BC

Ancient Greece's history is arguably most eventful in this time-period. This era includes some of the greatest philosphers of Ancient Greece. Hopefully by using this timeline, you can use this while working on our course.


766- The first Olympics Games are held.

8th Century BC- Colonization of Mediterranean and the Greek Alphabet introduced.

1ST Messenian War (Spartan Invasion) - 735BC

Homers Lifetime


Hesiod’s Lifetime

670BC- 2nd Messenian War (Helot Revolt)

7th Century BC- Social unrest in Greece. Birth of Phalanx formation. Age of tyrants begins.

Lycurgus Lifetime

6th Century-Currency introduced.

Solon Lifetime




Pindar Lifetime

Aeschylus Lifetime

5th Century- Athenian Empire has dominance over Greece.
494-479BC – Persian Wars, Most written sources by Herodotus.

5th Century-Pericles building programme takes place in Athens.

Lifetimes of…
Pericles, Sophocles, Euripedes, Aristophanes, Socrates

431-404 Peloponnesian War Most Written sources by Thucydides.


Battle of Leuctra- 371 BC

Lifetimes of…
Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle

Philip of Macedon (Father of Alexander) conquers Greece, 338.




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