Spartan Phalanx

Spartan Phalanx
Spartan Phalanx

Greek Religion


1.)The character of Greek Religion.
Greek religion was very different from modern religions with no Central authority, scripture or moral code and offered little hope of a blissful life after death. The Greeks had no word for religion, they referred to it as  Hiera or holy affairs. Greeks believed that to be a Greek, you not only had too speak the same language but worship the same gods
  • Rights of passage- Birth, Death and marriage
  • Festivals- Fundamental to the Greek way of life and were either local, regional or panhellenic
  • Pilgrimage-The main shrines visited were the oracal of Delphi (right) and Eleusis. They were often given protective status on their travels.
God and Man
The Greeks honoured the Gods opposed to loving them. To honour the gods they presented animals, libations, prayers and votive gifts: They were all offered in sacrifice on a regular basis. In return the Greeks hoped that the gods would help them in every aspect of life.
The Afterlife
A very different view was offered in ancient Greek religion. After death the person went down to join the 'shades below'.
Greek religion contained no moral code, however murders and traitors were banned from shrines and rituals. The oaths used in many ares of Greek life were particularly important.
2.)The Greek Gods
Greek religion was Polytheistic (this means that it had many different gods). The most important were the 12 Olympians, but there were hundreds of others as each area had its own god/goddess. This had the advantage of gods for every area of life.
The Olympians
The name came from Mt Olympus in North Greece were the gods were meant to live.Gods were both immortal and ageless.
There were six gods and six goddesses, all part of one family.
The gods were:
  • Zeus
  • Poseidon
  • Ares
  • Hephaistos
  • Apollo
  • Hermes
  • Dionysos
And the Goddesses were:
  • Hera
  • Demeter
  • Hestia
  • Artemis
  • Athena
  • Aphrodite
Chthonic Gods
The Chthonic Gods were associated with the Earth. The gods were literally linked with the underworld.
Hades was the most powerful Chthonic God.He was ruler of the underworld.
Furies were the female spirits of vengeance with snakes for hair.
Hecate was responsible for sorcery and appeared only at night.

Cthonic worship was different from Olympian worship in many ways.


A further element in Greek Religion was the worship of heroic figures from the past(some legendary, some mythological) who had an important role in defining Greek society. The mythical heroes were often used for political reasons by the Kings and leaders of the states as they tried to come up with a genealogical link between themselves and these heroic figures.

A god or goddess was usually worshipped at some form of holy place or sanctuary. The Greek word for sanctuary was temenos, it orginates from the verb temnein meaning 'to cut'. The temple is split into several parts
as shown in the picture below

4: Pronoas

5.)A Festival for Athena

6.)The Oracle at Delphi

7.)Mystery Religions

8.)Belief and Scepticism