Spartan Phalanx

Spartan Phalanx
Spartan Phalanx

Monday 22 October 2012


Of the new members we have a new update, we now have only one new member (Sam Bowskill) as Kaelan quit as he couldn't remember what night Classics was and Rowan is a presumed quitter. William Ford has unfortunately  not been able to continue.

So we are now down to 4 members which are:

  • Karl Southern
  • Sam Bowskill
  • Jack Shannon
  • James Kearney

Monday 1 October 2012


  • Unfortunately we are no longer capable of viewing the blog at school so if you are reading this you are almost certainly reading this at home. Secondly, we have started advertising to the Year 7s-9s about joining and we have already started with some new members. They are:

  • Sam Bowskill
  • Kaelan Fallon
  • William Ford
However we have also lost:
  • The Cooper Brothers
  • Ben Morrison

Monday 11 June 2012


We have two new members who have both arrived at the Monday Lunchtime session who would be interested in taking up Classics. They are both checking that they can go to the Wednesday session.

Their names are:

  • William Cooper
  • Charles Cooper

Monday 28 May 2012

Wednesday Meeting at Lunch

Everyone in Classics needs to be in Room 203 on Wednesday. Urgent!!

Quick update

Everyone needs to have completed review 3&4 (The last couple of questions on review 4 we did as essays last wednesday.
Also review 5 needs to be completed fro the wednesday (30/05/12)
Karl Southern
Any ideas for getting yr 7,8&9's to join up?

Monday 14 May 2012

The following posters must be completed:

Jack Shannon- Summary of Mythos to Logos

Karl Southern- Specific summary of Logos

James Kearney- Late Greek Philosopher or early Roman period philospher about Greece. Your Choice!!

Everyone- Show what you have done for the Mythos to Logos wall chart and present your findings.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Up standing work/projects

Review 3 (Sparta) needs to be completed for 17/05/12 (Notes can be found on the Sparta page)
Review 4 (Sparta) needs to be completed for 24/05/12 (Notes can be found on the Sparta page)
Rowan, you need to complete your poster(s) on Parmerides, All things flow, Heraclitus and Empedocles (all found in Sophie's World)
You also need to do the info on The Landmark Thucydides  with the help of Oliver, and the flash cards.
Ben, you also need to do the info on The Landmark Herodotus
James, you need to complete your poster(s) on Thales, Aaximenes and Anaximander (all found in Sophie's World)
Jack, you need to complete your poster(s) on Natural philosophers, Nothing from Nothing, Atoms and Sophists (all found in Sophie's World)
I (Karl), am doing the posters on Democrities, Socrates and greek Myths (all found in Sophie's World) and the information on Plutarch Lives .
Please tell me when you have done one of the tasks so that I am not pestering you about it.
All the afore mentioned books can be found on the bookshelf at the back of Mr Finke's room, they are also listed on the research materials page. If you would like to take one of them out then please speak to James about it.
Hi, I've just got rid of the address at the top of the home page. I hope you don't mind Karl as I wrote the address in the first place.

Friday 20 April 2012

I've just edited the Sparta page, so if you are visitor, have a look! Just some information on this for everyone, I have added my notes on Lycurgus so anyone who didn't make it to the last meeting should have a look at this to catch up and I reckon its all you need to answer Review 2. I also thought that the font on the Sparta page was a bit boring and hard on the eyes so I changed the font to Verdana so as to improve it.

Friday 23 March 2012


If anyone has missed out on the Greek Religion topic which includes Ben M., you can access the Glossary which will be useful in the answers to the review questions. These include meanings and there uses in Greek Society.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Hi everyone, I was just wondering because I decided to do an essay on the Spartan Social System, if anyone else in the club was going to do an essay so that we can practice essay-writing for the exam? Anyone interested?

Friday 16 March 2012

This Blogs uses+

For anyone who has just found this site and are unaware of its uses, then I think I should bring some clarity on to the subject. Even though Karl has said something brief about it, this blog has two reasons for its creation:
1)To spread awareness of Classics Club and to attract more people to it at Kings.
2)  To inform members of information about the Club like whether it is being held this   week and whether someone can make it.

Please use this site if you wish to get in contact with the club, if you want to join the club and get involved.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Welcome to the King's Classical Civilisation Club
This blog will outline what we do and will provide information about the club.